Friday, December 23, 2011

Christmas in the Cave

jim watson christmas at the Cave
the best holiday tradition in the Triangle, heck in all of nc, has got to be Jim Watson's Annual Christmas Show at the Cave. apparently this is the 26th year he has performed the christmas bluegrass special and sing along. i don't remember that far back. but uncle jim's evening is something that come hell, highwater, evil bosses, and mental breakdowns can't keep us away from. it's standing room only and the long timers know you gotta get their hours early.

i have only missed one as an adult, when spending christmas in italy. the only christmas i have spent completely away from durham and family... and yet it was missing the Cave that made me weep even when having such a wonderful trip with my then-beau.

fans of all types

sexy people and me

and while missing the cave makes me weep, being there makes me weep too. it isn't hard to psycho-babble out. christmas is hard. and the evening wraps so many memories underscored with a surprisingly emotionally manipulative soundtrack, despite the drunk people and the crowds.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

escape from New York

chui sees all
i'm slightly amazed that we actually made it out of nyc for xmas--well, i am amazed I made it out of new york. up to the moment i got behind the wheel headed to pick up my passengers, i wasn't sure that it would actually happen. course if i had an awesome machine gun and some ripped up clothes and tattoos, maybe i could have made things happen. sadly i don't think 'Trina's tattoos are going to scare anyone.

on the cusp of freedom i pulled out of the Flat Iron parking garage only to notice i was headed the wrong way down a one way street. i would not have recognized this if not for the very helpful woman that i didn't come anywhere close to running over, thank you very much.

forced to begin a 9 hour drive at 8pm means you skip all rush hour traffic jams!
it also means the CrAZiEs sets in a bit earlier in the trip than usual--including devil cat.

and when the adult in the car and the cat in the car start fighting, i'm not sure who is more pathetic. at least they both got a few swats in. and it was very humorous.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Dodgers does it again

dodger theatricals annual christmas party at bryant grill rooftop
another amazing party for the Dodger Theatricals team. i love Dodgers. true they have never hired me to ACT, which would make me really love them, but from everything i have experienced in my time in new york, Dodgers is one the best theatre production groups out there.

there are many reasons why i love dodgers. dodgers gave me my first job in new york, my first job for broadway. this, and my general appreciation, is why i continue to assist when ever possible despite being over booked with every minute of my time these days.

reason 2, Dodgers treats their staff--and not just their "names" --like real people. real people that are important to the process of creating art. it doesn't matter what your job is-- you are respected, you are treated fairly, you are considered part of the family that creates the work. true, Dodgers has a money making machine otherwise known as Jersey Boys raking it in all over the world. but even if they didn't, i don't for one second believe they would toss aside the people behind the scenes.

which exec could be singing bluegrass?
reason 3, Dodgers is run by Michael David who was once very good friends with my uncle. they still kind of look like twins. twins if one became a professional bluegrass musician, content touring the rest of his days and riding his bike, the other running a multi-million dollar international theatrical group. i love that.

babies love santa
reason 4, as a direct result of reason 2, the company staff continues to evolve as a family. wild parties are now often replaced by family affairs with babies, then toddlers. as is the case of the annual Xmas party. but that kind of makes the annual visit by the best looking santa a broadway team can come up with, all the more fun. what is santa with out a baby on his lap?

reason 5, of course has got to be that throwing parties with John Haber is a lot of fun. they are always the classiest, coolest, most fun despite the fact that really we are a bunch of completely un-fancy north carolinians. not to mention, put me in a room with Linda Wright and i have the thickest north cackalacky accent possible.

so there you have it. 5 reasons to love the Dodger group before ever even mentioning Mandy Patinkin in concert, The Secret Garden, Tommy!, Into the Woods, or even the upcoming Jesus Christ Super Star. And then there are the rabid fans of Jersey Boys--who, by the way, Dodgers spent a huge amount of money celebrating for the anniversary of the show.

what happens when your parents do broadway instead of community theatre...

Friday, December 16, 2011

danger will robinson

note to self: do not leap into the elevator shaft.
you will get through december.
plus, it's no promise for a quick finish.

Body Of Woman Killed In Elevator Accident Wasn't Removed For Hours

Thursday, December 15, 2011

and suddenly it's xmas.

michael throws the best parties.
he makes me want to be a better lady.
a real lady that is.
after all, i at least have the lady parts.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

lady things

lady shoes
 i only did the party "scene" one night in miami. and while working 12 hour days was exhausting, i don't think i would have been able to do the "scene" anyway. these people are C R A Z Y
lady drinks

Saturday, December 3, 2011

BEACH CATS! what?!

beauty even in the excess 

beach cat watches seagull

squeezed in a run before the mayhem begins again. apparently few people get up before lunch, let alone before 9am. but was my one chance to see the beach all week.
and what did i discover?? feral beach cats!! a whole colony on the rocky point!
seriously. i am not making this up.

beach cat colony hiding in the rocks

Friday, December 2, 2011

she works hard for the money

surprisingly, 12 hour days are not enhanced with unlimited liquor 

Kalup Linzy, our bff, holds court at after party

Thursday, December 1, 2011

ArtV takes off in Miami

dogs love the ArtV

i'm not sure what i love

but it does look pretty cool


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