with the strike settled, we finally opened our show, The Farnsworth Invention, tonight. the last several days i have been running loops around broadway getting things ready. occasionally, i do not mind being gopher, as i get to go through all the most influential offices in town. i'd like to think that one day i'll be going through them for me
today was even better--going through everyone's dressing rooms, walking about on the broadway stage. the thing is-- i could do this. it is real, it is reachable! i am good enough to be cast in a broadway play. these "stars" are just people very much like me. sigh. (though hank's dressing room is sweet who needs a big, flat screen tv in a DR???)
it was a long day and my fancy evening dress sat folded in the office for many hours. then john decided i should actually attend the opening production instead of set up the dinner further. cameron and i got a room at the mariot in freaking times square (though just a "change over" room, that is, a double booked room. once we left they would remake it for someone to come in the late evening. money money makes the world go round.) still, we had the room. we laid in the super comfy beds, threw our clothes about and gawked at the view.
then i met up with john in front of the theatre. who, very much in "john"style, had me just stand there for about an hour. stand right smack dab in the middle of the sectioned of "star" area, where the photographers were trying to take pictures of famous people. i tried to edge out of the camera's eye, but i imagine im in the background of most of the uncropped shots. i mean, it was just me standing there for goodness sake. john gave me a pad of paper so i could try to look official. yeah. right.
but i was not complaining. i'm used to john's ways and my dress was pretty and my jacket was warm, so i just pretended to know exactly what was going on while drinking in the people around me.
i carried my camera all day, hidden in my bag. however i am much too cool to snap pictures. instead my artist rendering will have to do for the most exciting of the evening

yes, leaving me standing there enabled me to hang with Stephen Spielberg. mr spielberg came up then stood expectantly, sure that someone important would be talking to him, while letting his beautiful wife go ahead inside. but there was just me, ha. it didnt take too long for some one to pull him from my side for pictures. yet, i think we shared something. something to chuckle about when we are making movies together. :) uhuh.
when i finally sat, my tickets were great-even if not with spielberg or the other "names." the show was fantastic. really a delightful piece. the writing is funny and sharp. the acting, esp hank azaria and jimmi simpson was top notch. seriously, they carried the show tremendously well. the rest of the cast is also very good, clearly the work of a well honed director. plus they are all really nice in person.
afterwards i raced to the party--though with very little actual "work" needed from me. but again, standing at john's shoulder is fun as he greets people in the biz. the party was lovely, i thought. the food looked great, the bar was flowing, the lights just right. i had a couple bites of deliciousness and kept myself to only a few glasses of wine.
the only downside was perhaps that i, yet again, did not turn this into a selling opportunity and am not now aaron sorkin's best friend, spielberg's goddaughter, jimmi's confidant. in fact, i didn't really talk to them at all as i was distracted all evening, but that too has its up side. someday i will write about why i was so distracted. for better or worse.
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