it was actually a very sweet, spur of the moment change. too many friends were risking giving away the whole surprise, so he just called me- said come take the camera and hide, i'm doin' it now. and really it was the best. maria is a fabulous mix of fancy hotness, hiding in a pair of holey sweatpants and donald duck tee. so proposing in the middle of the farmer's market in union square was the best thing.
though i was hiding behind a statue and couldn't hear, my favorite moment was when he got down on one knee and she's like, "what are you doing? get up!" even when he showed her the ring, she was still busy shaking her head and gesturing around her, looking for the gag. it was incredibly sweet.
i unfortunately had to run to rehearsal, but before i did we celebrated with some champagne and oysters. my rehearsal was - ehem- well lubricated. ;)

the only problem now, is i'm pretty sure maria is now an adult. boo.
does this mean she's now going to creep over to that third of my facebook friends who all have babies and pta and all sorts of other things i can hardly even imagine??? i'm not too addicted to facebook, but each time i'm on, i stumble across something from at least one person i last remember sauntering down the halls of high school, complaining about a crush or gossiping about an outfit or hanging "being cool," and now they are building houses and running carpools! this is meant in no offense to any of these people. you guys are still awesome. it just... your adults!
i may work a million part time jobs to cover my acting habit, my own apartment, a bottle of tequila in the freezer, and yes, i do have a spoiled cat, but somewhere along the way i missed the adult train. i'm still kissing on cute boys, wear way too many hippy clothes, and like my pigtails.
hmmm. i do live in new york. i guess none of those things really mean much one way or another.
can i buy my ticket to Where the Wild Things Are yet?

The adult train has many lovely sidings; exploring them and our passions, are most important. I often wonder what Lyriella will say one day when someone points to a picture of a pirate king, a major-general, a minstrel, or a jester and says "That's your Grandpa?!" Keep pursuing them!
ReplyDeletei'm a tad jealous i was not informed before-hand, but i'm glad they called me post-engagement. i wish i had known you were there 'cause i would love to have said "hello"...can we please have a phone catch up soon? i think we could use it!
Sadly, Adulthood also escaped me--I guess. All I hear is-You are so different than other 60 year old people I have met---They do elaborate, but I can hear the edge in their voices. And if standing next to your step-father, it is clear that they wish I would buy a "normal" outfit and trade in my Birks. You may have tragically inherited this gene.