Wednesday, July 4, 2007

oh say can you see

last night we had a party for meghan and travis to celebrate their year spent in moshi-their 3rd yr in medical school. we ordered their going away gifts before leaving for paragliding in arusha and yet managed to have nothing completed when we asked for them tuesday morning. TITS. This Is Tanzania Shit. (much more appropriate than the more common TIA, This Is Africa) the day turned into just about everything that makes one crazy about africa. trojan viruses on all the computers at work, unbearably slow internet, these promised gift orders that were blithely forgotten, even down to the obviously "kichaa" (mad) man who chased me down and even into my office, grabbing my arm- convinced we are getting married and he is going to take me to his uncle's land.

but after all that, the party was lovely. of the 60 people invited, only 26 rsvped, and 64 showed up. TITS.

today, Independence Day... I love july 4ths abroad. i feel much more patriotic surrounded by expats.

after some all american volley ball after work, Truck/Andrew had a big shebang at his house. of the crowd, only about 5 of us were americans. but the germans and dutch had hung balloons, and andrew's aussie roommate David was making "hamburgers". when we cut the cocoa flavored brownie cake one of the europeans made to look like a flag, the five of us made a rousing chorus of the anthem- much to everyone else's horror.

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